wake up, it's still 2007!
welcome to makoenergy, my corner of the web where i, an anonymous internet chick, can endlessly ramble about Final Fantasy 7 and 2000s tech.
you can consider this a fansite, and it's kinda an art site as well! i made the phone outline and the banner. sweet.
i also blog about video games and whatever i find cool. this site isn't finished and it may as well never be LOL, but regardless, please enjoy your stay ^_^
** this is V2 of makoenergy: now with 99% less position: absolute and 99% more flexbox... i took care to make the site more appealing + easier for anyone to view. enjoy!
** this site is unfinished. most links will refer you to V1 pages.
** there are autoplaying sound FX when you hover over certain content!
** coded with Brackets; best viewed on Chromium-based browsers. made for a 1920x1080 screen display.
use these buttons to link me on your site! hotlinking is discouraged but hey i'm not your mom
- finish V2
- fully complete links page
- complete extras and blog pages
- join some more webrings/fanlistings
- add JS sound effects ✔
- make use of the RSS button.. aka learn RSS ✔
- create some shrines (laughing) ✔
- gather site inspo 4 links button
- iframes...save me iframes...
well, for one thing, you can click this:
this is a music button. i'll hide some more around the site- click them for some nice tunes.
sign my guestbook, too. i love new comments!
and of course, feel free to explore. V2 is very interactive- take advantage!